Friday 17 January 2014

Cows are a symbol of innocence in India:

Cows are considered to be the most innocent species present in the animal kingdom. They do not possess superior instincts and often get targeted by the cunning killers of the jungle. Since, cows are considered as an innocent animal, people in India do not feel like killing and eating them somehow.

Cows are considered as a mother:

Cows are often referred in India as “Gou Mata”. It implies that cows are one of the most respected species in India and considered as mother of the Hindu clan. It is quite easy to understand that the people of this clan cannot eat their mother. Cows are often worshipped as a mother and people do not intend to even hit them with a wrong intention, so killing them is a far cry. The people feed cows at various occasions and consider it as cleaning their souls by doing some good karma. Sometimes, people even put their wish in front of a cow hoping that the “Gou Mata” would listen to their aspirations and help the achieve it.  Therefore, the Hindu people do not intend to eat the cow as they feel it would spoil their karma.


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